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Lapis Lazuli and Clear Quartz Pendulum

Lapis Lazuli and Clear Quartz Pendulum

This handmade pendulum features a large, high quality Lapis Lazuli point combined with Clear Quartz and Lapis Lazuli beads on a strong silver plated chain.  The handle of this pendulum is made with a large Clear Quartz point tumbled bead which is very comfortable and secure to hold within your finger tips. Each pendulum is cleansed, charged with Reiki and blessed by the Angels for whomever will own it to receive clear and accurate answers from their Higher Self and Spirit Guides.


●  Large, Lapis Lazuli point with a nice heavier weight feel.

●  Pendulum measures approximately 10.5 inches from very tip to top. 

●  Send me a message if you would like your pendulum shorter or longer and I will be happy to help!

●  The Lapis Lazuli gemstone pendulum measures approximately 4-5cm long and 1.5-2cm wide.

●  Made with very strong, closed linked, silver plated chain.

●  This pendulum will arrive to you in a gift bag with an information card about the stones and instructions on how to use the pendulum.

●  As always, the energy of this crystal is cleansed, recharged and blessed by Spirit for it's future owner!


Because I use natural stones, each pendulum may vary slightly in size and appearance, however I always ensure that each pendulum is created nearly identical to the photos and and of equal energy and quality. I choose the pendulums to ship to my customers intuitively.



Lapis Lazuli  Is a beautiful deep blue stone that contains specks of Golden Pyrite. It has a very powerful energy and is known to help open and activate the Third Eye Chakra.  The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the forehead just above the physical eyes. This Chakra offers us wisdom, discernment, imagination, psychic ability, spiritual vision and knowledge. Lapis Lazuli can also clear and activate the throat Chakra and assist with developing Clairaudience - the intuitive ability to hear beyond the normal range.  



Clear Quartz  is known as the “Master Healer”. It protects you against negativity, attunes to your Higher Self, and relieves pain.  Wearing or holding Clear Quartz crystal will radiant pure white light into your space, clearing your Auric Field of negativity. Clear Quartz energizes, activates and balances your chakras. It is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention so it is wonderful to use with other gemstones. Clear Quartz helps connect you to your Inner Wisdom and receive clear guidance.


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